

swagger/OpenAPI,是一套业界标准的 HTTP API 描述标准。

go-swagger,是 Swagger 2.0 的 Go 语言的实现,以 cli 或 library 的方式,提供了如下能力:

  • 从 swagger 规范文件生成服务器
  • 从 swagger 规范文件生成客户端
  • 从 swagger 规范文件(alpha 阶段)生成 CLI(命令行工具)
  • 支持 jsonschema 和 swagger 提供的大多数功能,包括多态性
  • 从带注释的 go 代码生成 swagger 规范文件
  • 使用 swagger 规范文件的其他工具
  • 强大的自定义功能,带有供应商扩展和可自定义的模板


go install github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/cmd/swagger@latest
swagger version



Github 代码库


mkdir go-swagger-learn
go mod init github.com/rectcircle/go-swagger-learn


假设我们要开发一个根据 UserID 获取用户信息的接口

GET /users/{id}

# response 200
    "code": 0,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "id": 1,

希望使用 go-swagger 实现如下功能。

  • 根据代码生成 swagger 规范文件
  • 根据 swagger 规范文件生成 client 代码

从代码生成 swagger 规范文件

官方文档 | 博客 1



首先定义 domain (简化起见,我们吧 dto 和 接口定义在了一起)


package domain

import (

// User 实体
// swagger:model User
type User struct {
	// User ID
	ID int `json:"id"`
	// 用户名
	Name string `json:"name"`

type UserService interface {
	// swagger:route GET /users/{id} users GetOneUser
	// 通过 ID 获取 User 信息
	// 这是接口的详细描述
	//     Responses:
	//       200: GetUserResponse
	Get(ctx context.Context, id int) (*User, error)

定义 http 请求和返回的声明


package domain

// swagger:parameters GetOneUser
type GetUserRequest struct {
	// User ID 参数
	// Required: true
	// in: path
	ID int `json:"id"`

type BaseResponseBodyForSwagger struct {
	// 错误码
	Code int `json:"code"`
	// 错误信息
	Message string `json:"message"`

// swagger:response GetUserResponse
type GetUserResponse struct {
	// in: body
	Body struct {
		Data User `json:"data"`
	// Body GetUserResponseBody

最后,添加 swagger:meta 注解


// Package domian go swagger learn
// 这是描述
// Terms Of Service:
// 这是服务条款
//      Host: localhost
//      Version: 0.0.1
// swagger:meta
package domain

执行命令生成 swagger 规范文件

swagger generate spec -o ./api/swagger.json


  "swagger": "2.0",
  "info": {
    "description": "这是描述",
    "title": "go swagger learn",
    "termsOfService": "这是服务条款",
    "version": "0.0.1"
  "host": "localhost",
  "paths": {
    "/users/{id}": {
      "get": {
        "description": "这是接口的详细描述",
        "tags": [
        "summary": "通过 ID 获取 User 信息",
        "operationId": "GetOneUser",
        "parameters": [
            "type": "integer",
            "format": "int64",
            "x-go-name": "ID",
            "description": "User ID 参数",
            "name": "id",
            "in": "path",
            "required": true
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "$ref": "#/responses/GetUserResponse"
  "definitions": {
    "User": {
      "description": "User 实体",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "description": "User ID",
          "type": "integer",
          "format": "int64",
          "x-go-name": "ID"
        "name": {
          "description": "用户名",
          "type": "string",
          "x-go-name": "Name"
        "status": {
          "description": "状态\nactive StatusActive\ninactive StatusInactive",
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "x-go-enum-desc": "active StatusActive\ninactive StatusInactive",
          "x-go-name": "Status"
      "x-go-package": "github.com/rectcircle/go-swagger-learn/domain"
  "responses": {
    "GetUserResponse": {
      "description": "",
      "schema": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "code": {
            "description": "错误码",
            "type": "integer",
            "format": "int64",
            "x-go-name": "Code"
          "data": {
            "$ref": "#/definitions/User"
          "message": {
            "description": "错误信息",
            "type": "string",
            "x-go-name": "Message"

启动 server 观察文档

swagger serve api/swagger.json


  • 在代码中使用 // swagger: 表示接下来的注释是 swagger 的注释,会用来生成 swagger 规范文件。
  • 一个 http 接口的声明包含三个部分,接口描述,接口请求描述,接口返回描述。
  • 接口描述注释:// swagger:route [method] [path pattern] [?tag1 tag2 tag3] [operation id],允许位于任何位置
  • 接口请求注释:// swagger:parameters [operationid1 operationid2] 必须在一个结构体声明上方,在内部通过 in: body 声明哪个字段是 body,注意字段名需要通过 json 注解声明。
  • 接口返回注释:// swagger:response [?response name] 必须在一个结构体声明上方,在内部通过 in: body 声明哪个字段是 body,需要在 // swagger:route 下方关联上 response name。
  • 枚举类型注释:// swagger:enum [Type]type Xxx stringtype Xxx int 上方可以声明一个枚举类型
  • 字符串格式声明注释:// swagger:strfmt [name],参见:官方文档


  swagger [OPTIONS] generate spec [spec-OPTIONS]

generate a swagger spec document from a go application

Application Options:
  -q, --quiet                  silence logs
      --log-output=LOG-FILE    redirect logs to file

Help Options:
  -h, --help                   Show this help message

[spec command options]
      -w, --work-dir=          the base path to use (default: .)
      -t, --tags=              build tags
      -m, --scan-models        includes models that were annotated with 'swagger:model'
          --compact            when present, doesn't prettify the json
      -o, --output=            the file to write to
      -i, --input=             an input swagger file with which to merge
      -c, --include=           include packages matching pattern
      -x, --exclude=           exclude packages matching pattern
          --include-tag=       include routes having specified tags (can be specified many times)
          --exclude-tag=       exclude routes having specified tags (can be specified many times)
          --exclude-deps       exclude all dependencies of project






  • 文件内容
  • 额外的一些元数据

    interface Xxx { 
    	// swagger:route POST /uploads uploads Upload
    	// 上传文件
    	//     Consumes:
    	//     - multipart/form-data
    	//     Security:
    	//       token:
    	//     Responses:
    	//       200: UploadResponse
    	// 实现的时候使用流式上传以节约内存
    Upload(ctx context.Context, meta UploadMeta, data io.ReadCloser) (*FileInfo, error)
    // UploadRequest 上传文件的请求
    // swagger:parameters Upload
    type UploadRequest struct {
    	// 上传文件请求中的元数据部分,JSON 解构
    	// 结构参见 [UploadMeta model](#model-UploadMeta) (Content-Type 为 application/json)
    	// 特别说明:由于 Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 multipart/form-data 的限制,这里只能定义为 string,且不支持指定每个部分的 Content-Type,参见:
    	//  [Swagger/OpenAPI 3.0 multipart-content 说明](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.1.md#special-considerations-for-multipart-content) |
    	//  [stackoverflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44323585/how-to-send-a-json-object-as-part-of-a-multipart-request-in-swagger-editor) |
    	//  [Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 upload file](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/2-0/file-upload/)
    	// Required: true
    	// in: formData
    	Data string
    	// 上传的文件内容
    	// 参见:[github issue](https://github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/issues/1887)
    	// Required: false
    	// in: formData
    	// swagger:file
    	File *bytes.Buffer
    type BaseResponseBody struct {
    	// 错误码
    	Code int `json:"code"`
    	// 错误信息
    	Message string `json:"message"`
    // UploadResponse 返回某个 UploadResponse
    // swagger:response UploadResponse
    type UploadResponse struct {
    	// in: body
    	Body struct {
    		Data FileInfo `json:"data"`
    type UploadMeta struct {
    type FileInfo struct {

支持 *string 类型

type XxxRequest struct {
	// 命名
	// Extensions:
	// ---
	// x-nullable: true
	Name *string `json:"name"`


从 swagger 规范文件生成 client 代码



mkdir -p client/internal
# swagger generate client -f api/swagger.json   --client-package=client/internal/client --model-package=client/internal/domain
swagger generate client -f api/swagger.json  --target=client/internal
go mod tidy

注意,model 不能复用我们手写的 domain 下的代码文件,因为 go-swagger 生成代码依赖 model 实现序列化和反序列函数。手动写的的是不存在这些的。

生成到 client/internal 的原因是,某些场景希望再包装一层,提供更加优化的接口,再暴露给其他人使用(多数情况下,没有必要)。


  swagger [OPTIONS] generate client [client-OPTIONS]

generate all the files for a client library

Application Options:
  -q, --quiet                                                                     silence logs
      --log-output=LOG-FILE                                                       redirect logs to file

Help Options:
  -h, --help                                                                      Show this help message

[client command options]
      -c, --client-package=                                                       the package to save the client specific code (default: client)
      -P, --principal=                                                            the model to use for the security principal
          --default-scheme=                                                       the default scheme for this API (default: http)
          --principal-is-interface                                                the security principal provided is an interface, not a struct
          --default-produces=                                                     the default mime type that API operations produce (default: application/json)
          --default-consumes=                                                     the default mime type that API operations consume (default: application/json)
          --skip-models                                                           no models will be generated when this flag is specified
          --skip-operations                                                       no operations will be generated when this flag is specified
      -A, --name=                                                                 the name of the application, defaults to a mangled value of info.title

    Options common to all code generation commands:
      -f, --spec=                                                                 the spec file to use (default swagger.{json,yml,yaml})
      -t, --target=                                                               the base directory for generating the files (default: ./)
          --template=[stratoscale]                                                load contributed templates
      -T, --template-dir=                                                         alternative template override directory
      -C, --config-file=                                                          configuration file to use for overriding template options
      -r, --copyright-file=                                                       copyright file used to add copyright header
          --additional-initialism=                                                consecutive capitals that should be considered intialisms
          --allow-template-override                                               allows overriding protected templates
          --skip-validation                                                       skips validation of spec prior to generation
          --dump-data                                                             when present dumps the json for the template generator instead of generating files
          --strict-responders                                                     Use strict type for the handler return value
          --with-expand                                                           expands all $ref's in spec prior to generation (shorthand to --with-flatten=expand)
          --with-flatten=[minimal|full|expand|verbose|noverbose|remove-unused]    flattens all $ref's in spec prior to generation (default: minimal, verbose)

    Options for model generation:
      -m, --model-package=                                                        the package to save the models (default: models)
      -M, --model=                                                                specify a model to include in generation, repeat for multiple (defaults to all)
          --existing-models=                                                      use pre-generated models e.g. github.com/foobar/model
          --strict-additional-properties                                          disallow extra properties when additionalProperties is set to false
          --keep-spec-order                                                       keep schema properties order identical to spec file
          --struct-tags=                                                          the struct tags to generate, repeat for multiple (defaults to json)

    Options for operation generation:
      -O, --operation=                                                            specify an operation to include, repeat for multiple (defaults to all)
          --tags=                                                                 the tags to include, if not specified defaults to all
      -a, --api-package=                                                          the package to save the operations (default: operations)
          --with-enum-ci                                                          allow case-insensitive enumerations
          --skip-tag-packages                                                     skips the generation of tag-based operation packages, resulting in a flat generation

